Saturday, May 26, 2012

Wine Bottle Chandeliers, Centerpieces, Wall Vases & Window Panels

Good wine and art come together. 

You can purchase Pottery Barn’s Wine Bottle Chandelier - a ring of suspended green bottles ...

Or a beer bottle chandelier from ...
Or make your own!

 What about a centerpiece?

Add a bit of hardware for an instant wall vase.
Try hydrangeas or tulips or stargazers ...

"Stain glass window" composed of glass serving plates, wine bottle bottoms, stemware bottoms and faceted stained glass jewels.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Couture Fashion From Trash

Shoes made from tires, foam cups, magazines, and cork? Wallets made from inner tubes? Purses from noodle bags or plastic soda pop tabs? Dresses made from recycled paper? What’s this all about? It’s called “recycled fashion!'

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gone Postal

Artist Sandy Schimmel uses Junk Mail to create Pop Art Mosaics. Inspired by glass art she saw in Venice, Italy, she created a new art form that mimics a mosaic--and recycles waste.

Schimmel first paints a portrait in acrylic, then glues colorful bits from junk mail and greeting cards directly on top. The paint shows between the squares of paper, creating the effect of grout and mosaic. Schimmel says, "I'm able to express inspiration through painting and mosaic while using resources that would otherwise go to waste."

Seen above, "eco-friendly fine art" featuring metallic gold paper collected from embossed holiday cards.